
an Exchange Standard Used by the Defence Industry

What Is S2000M?

As part of the standards propounded by the ASD (Aerospace and Defence Industry) – in the same capacity as the S1000D, S3000L, S4000P, S5000F or S6000T standards – S2000M focuses on standardisation as well as setting rules, data and processes having to do with the management of military equipment, provisioning lists, technical documentation, troop transport and support for other military uses.

Beyond the basic data modules used to categorise standard parts, S2000M contains a much larger amount of additional data and proves especially demanding in that regard.


Developed in 1976, well before other S-SERIES specifications came into existence, this standard addressed the increase and diversity of military programs. It is then that operating costs skyrocketed and that strategies began to diverge. In this context, S2000M proposes to homogenise and to harmonise processes pertaining to initial provisioning and equipment identification.

What is the Connection Between S2000M and TechPub ?

The link between S2000M and TechPub is simple, but it is above all highly beneficial. Thanks to a certain number of automatised processes, the elements pertaining to the spare parts provisioning list are immediately converted to generate S1000D IPD (Illustrated Part Data) Data Modules. Then, all that remains to do is to provide the corresponding illustrations.

These Data Modules are then integrated straight into the overall S1000D maintenance documentation provided to the end client. One could therefore say that part of the latter is constructed right from the S2000M data.

Who Is S2000M For?

In order to ensure the utmost stability, the S2000M standard draws its inspiration straight from the processes that the ATA SPEC 200/100 considers stable and mature, and, at the time, it was mostly used in civil aerospace. This means S2000M is mainly geared towards supporting multinational military aeronautic and aerospace projects, though its scope has since been extended to land and naval forces. Nowadays, it is relevant to – and often mandatory for – a wide range of military applications.

As such, it is used by all the actors involved in these programs, systems engineers, military equipment manufacturers and, of course, operators who, at present, are mostly made up of the armed forces.

Thus, in the context of projects requiring the use of the S2000M standard, all items need to be codified with a NATO management number. This standardised codification allows for complete international interoperability in terms of spare parts; as each part is identified by a unique number, finding an equivalent in almost any country around the world is quite straightforward, at least so long as they are members of NATO.

What Does S2000M Cover?

Provisioning and Identification Reference

S2000M provides a means to standardise the identification process for all items involved in system maintenance. Thus, client communication and resource development are made simpler and, above all, become the same for all suppliers and operators.

Order Management

S2000M facilitates and codifies all exchanges, be it to guarantee provisioning is carried out successfully, through preparing orders swiftly and efficiently or in meeting the clients’ standardised expectations. Similarly, invoicing and payment are also governed by the same standard.

Repair Management

S2000M also specifies how repairs must be carried out. Planning, implementing conditions, every detail is provided so as to guarantee all maintenance tasks are carried out correctly, distinguishing, for instance, what will reoccur in the field from a workshop repair or a standard exchange.

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