ARQUUS chooses ADAM SUITE to further its ambitions

ARQUUS, a new company built from a prestigious history.

ARQUUS, which is the result of the merger of Renault Truck Défense, Panhard and ACMAT within the Volvo Group, was created in 2018 after more than 30 years of existence guided by Renault. As a leading manufacturer and supplier to many armed forces around the world, the group stands out for the quality of its products and the innovation it demonstrates in constantly offering new solutions.

What are the challenges of ARQUUS and ADAM S1000D?

With a record delivery of 1,166 new vehicles and 508 remanufactured vehicles in 2020, ARQUUS has growing ambitions and is reviewing all its processes and methods. ADAM is the document production system that combines simplicity with an efficient and modern process to support ARQUUS’ cost-quality-time commitment.

In addition to the performance of maintenance-in-operational-conditions (MCO) services, the objective is to avoid extending deadlines and additional costs caused by delays in the delivery of support information.

In a context of unification of production resources and with the determination to grow in a difficult market, ARQUUS has decided to deploy ADAM to produce all the technical documentation of the new programs in S1000D 4.1.

ADAM also supports older programs that will remain in S1000D version 2.3.

What were the determining criteria?

ARQUUS’ choice is the result of a long and painstaking selection process based on multiple criteria.

First of all, the increase in documentation quality contributes to the quality of the maintenance-in-operational-conditions required to support a range of varied and increasingly sophisticated vehicles; Bastion, VBCI, Jaguar, Scarabée, and more, with multiple configurations.

The speed of deployment, the suitability of an “off-the-shelf” solution and the ease of use were, in fact, determining factors in the choice of the ADAM suite.

Other specificities include:

as well as ADAM Viewer which allows the best use of the documentation in the field. All these elements made the ADAM suite the right choice for ARQUUS.

4D CONCEPT is very proud to count this leading military equipment manufacturer among its customers, showing that the S1000D has its place in land armament systems, and is not exclusively reserved for airborne equipment.

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