S2000M : Introduction to the standard

Découvrir les rôles et les responsabilités des intervenants du processus d’approvisionnement et d'échanges de données


Understand the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the procurement and data exchange process



1. Purpose and status of the standard

2. Structure and status of the standard

  • Procurement*
  • Preparation of orders
  • Managing orders
  • Billing
  • Repair Management

* Only the “Procurement” part will be discussed in detail (the other parts are mainly intended for large industrial concerns with information systems sized to deal directly with state or military client organizations).


Focus on “Procurement “

  • The main principles
  • Overview of the process
  • Data preparation for the initial provisioning
  • Main data elements
  • Data exchanges and deliverables:
    • The different types of messages
    • Updates
    • Observations
    • Corrections
    • Examples
  • Illustrations
  • NATO codification
  • From 2000M to IPC (1000D)

Satisfaction rate


Overall satisfaction rating given by our trainees for this training


Available on request


Knowledge related to catalog development (IPC, IPD) in the documentation sector. Know how to read a nomenclature and a plan. Know how to break down a whole.


1 day


De 3 à 6 stagiaires maximum par session



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